18-ICML Preliminary Programme


On behalf of the Organising Committee, we are proud to present the preliminary programme of the 18-ICML, which has become a must-attend event for all scientists and clinicians working in the field of lymphomas, and we look forward to welcoming you to the next edition in Lugano.

Thanks to the suggestions and proposals of our Scientific Advisory Board, as always with the addition of several new members to ensure that all skill areas are represented, we have finalised the lectures and the educational sessions of the upcoming 18-ICML, to ensure the presentation and discussion of the state-of-the-art on all areas of lymphoma research and treatment.

On the other hand, the content and faculty of the general sessions will be defined much closer to the conference, on the basis of the abstract evaluation and selection, so that the most up-to-date and relevant data can be presented.

We are pleased to announce that the program will include for the first time a session on Oncology Nursing, devoted particularly to specialised nurses, nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists.

As per tradition, a full-immersion Course on the State-of-the-Art in Malignant Lymphoma will be held in the days preceding the ICML. The 2025 edition, organised for the second time with ESMO, will  once more provide a comprehensive educational introduction to the lymphoma conference. This top-level learning event targets mainly junior clinicians and scientists, but is open also to more experienced clinicians, pathologists and radiation oncologists with an interest in lymphoma.

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the international community of lymphoma experts and start planning your participation in the 18-ICML just one year from now!

Franco Cavalli                     Francesco Bertoni
ICML President                   Organising Committee Chairman


Discover our sessions

Clinical cases discussions

These sessions will offer participants an opportunity to discuss the clinical cases they encounter on a day-to-day basis in their work as lymphoma specialists but for which there may be no clearly-defined best practices.
Each session will involve world-renowned specialists who will make their knowledge and expertise available to our participants.


Educational symposia

Two Educational symposia will take place in parallel on the Wednesday morning before the official opening of the Conference. Each symposium will extensively address a specific topic, explained by experts who will explore and scrutinise different aspects of the chosen topics. Attendees will have the possibility to present questions to the speakers and ample time will also be devoted to a discussion among the experts.

Mantle cell lymphoma
Chair: Martin Dreyling, Munich, DE

Lecture 1. The biomarkers we need (Simone Ferrero, Turin, IT)

Lecture 2. First line therapy: BTKi? Transplant? (Martin Dreyling, Munich, DE)

Lecture 3. Relapsed disease: sequencing (Eva Giné Soca, Barcelona, ES)

Clonal precursors
Chair: Markus Manz, Zürich, CH

Lecture 1. Clonal hematopoietic stem cell precursors (Markus Manz, Zürich, CH)

Lecture 2. Clonal T-cell precursors (Claire Dearden, London, UK)

Lecture 3. Clonal B-cell precursors (Paolo Ghia, Milan, IT)

Lecture 4. Clonal plasma cell precursors (Angela Dispenzieri, Rochester, MN, US)

“Focus on…” sessions

These sessions are simultaneous sessions highlighting abstracts of scientific value that have not been selected for oral presentation during the general sessions. Each one-hour session will focus on a particular topic with 6 presentations of 10 minutes each, including discussions and Q&A.


These sessions will be defined on the basis of the abstract evaluation.

General sessions

Based on the abstracts received and selected for oral presentation, the general sessions will be devoted either to specific subtypes of lymphoid neoplasia (e.g. mantle cell lymphomas, follicular lymphomas, T-cell lymphomas, etc.) or to the presentation of laboratory and clinical research data grouped around a biologic topic (e.g. microenvironment, signaling pathway, surface antigens).

The Late Breaking Abstracts (LBA) session is scheduled for Saturday, 21 June and will include abstracts with conclusive data available after the regular abstract submission deadline. Only abstracts covering very high-quality research findings will be considered (LBA not selected for oral presentation will be rejected).

The programme will also include two sessions devoted to basic and translational research topics:

A) Epigenetics

1. Genetic lesions of epigenetic genes: Ari Melnick, New York, NY, US - chair

2. Non-coding mutations: Riccardo Dalla Favera, New York, NY, US

3. Therapeutic targeting: Franck Morschhauser, Lille, FR

B) Mechanisms of resistance (AACR-ICML Translational session)

1. To small molecule inhibitors: John F. Seymour, Melbourne, AU

2. To T-cell redirecting therapies: Ash A. Alizadeh, Stanford, CA, US

3. To checkpoint inhibitors: Margaret A. Shipp, Boston, MA, US - chair


The best two abstracts covering these topics will be selected for presentation during the sessions.

Joint sessions

AACR-ICML joint session: “The role of artificial intelligence in oncology”
The AACR-ICML joint session will discuss how the development of artificial intelligence can help in our research and clinical practice. The invited speakers will focus on the latest computer science developments in the pathology setting, in the field of imaging and in the design of new generation clinical trials.

1. In pathologic diagnosis > Pierre Brousset, Toulouse, FR
2. In imaging readings > TBC
3. In clinical trial design and analysis > Stefan Michiels, Villejuif, FR.


ESMO-ICML joint lecture
In the months leading up to the congress, a topic of particular relevance will be selected and presented in this special lecture jointly organised, for the second time, by ICML and ESMO.

Oncology Nursing Session
We are pleased to announce that, besides the joint sessions and workshops organized with our long-lasting international partners and cooperating societies, for the first time our program will include a session dedicated to specialised nurses, clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners.
The session, scheduled on Friday 20 June 2025, will be organized in collaboration with the Swiss Oncology Nursing Society (OPS / SOS), the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS), the Haematology Nurses & Healthcare Professionals Group and the European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE) Nursing Group.


UCLI-ICML joint session
Since 2017, ICML has been proud to collaborate with the Union for China Lymphoma Investigators (UCLI) in organising this forum that presents special reports on the latest progress in lymphoma research in China and Europe. The UCLI-ICML joint session will be held on Friday, 20 June  2025. Lymphoma specialists from UCLI and ICML will welcome experts from all over the world to participate in this forum to discuss the development of lymphoma research.

Keynote lectures

The Keynote lectures are one of the most important parts of the Congress and are led by three prominent individuals engaged in the study of lymphomas and the development of therapeutic strategies targeting lymphomas. In particular, they are individuals recognised for their important contributions throughout the history of the ICML. The lectures are assigned to distinguished scientists and researchers by the Organising Committee, with the support of the Advisory Board, on the basis of various criteria.


“Henry Kaplan Memorial Lecture”
Henry Kaplan was a pioneer in the study and treatment of lymphomas and inspired the choice of Lugano as venue for the ICML. The lecture named in his honour celebrates the achievements of lifetime careers and acknowledges activities that have led to significant and appreciated results over the years.
The Organising Committee and the Advisory Board have decided to award the honour and the ICML 2025 prize ex aequo to Elaine S. Jaffe and Bruce D. Cheson.

"Equal parts dreams, luck and madness: Conjuring a new future for lymphoma therapy": Bruce D. Cheson, Bethesda, MD, US,
"The road to disease discovery: a personal journey": Elaine S. Jaffe, Bethesda, MD, US

Wednesday, 18 June, Room A Palazzo dei Congressi


“Gianni Bonadonna Memorial Lecture”

This lecture covers topics particularly important for translational research and marks our collaboration with the European School of Oncology Foundation (ESOF).
Gianni Bonadonna developed what has become the standard therapy for Hodgkin lymphoma (ABVD), which has maintained its importance for decades, and he was one of the three oncologists who first decided to dedicate a congress entirely to malignant lymphomas.

“Molecular classification of Aggressive B-Cell Lymphomas”: David Scott, Vancouver, CA

Thursday, 19 June, Room A Palazzo dei Congressi


“John Ultmann Memorial Lecture”

This lecture focuses on clinical topics and is organised in collaboration with the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).

John Ultmann was a pioneer in the precise staging of Hodgkin's disease and its application as a guide for treatment. He was a member of the ICML Organiing Committee from its first edition until the year of his death in 2000.

“Extranodal lymphomas: improved outcome through international collaborative research”: Emanuele Zucca, Bellinzona, CH

Friday, 20 June, Room A Palazzo dei Congressi

“Meet the Professor” sessions


“Meet the Professor” sessions are 45-minute sessions aimed at fostering interaction between internationally-recognised experts and the delegates, promoting discussions and departing from the conventional presentation format observed in the main sessions.

Out of the 12 sessions, 8 are repeated twice and 4 are offered only once.

No registration is required but early arrival is recommended to ensure access to the halls (participation is subject to availability of seats).


1) Classic Hodgkin lymphoma (Andrew M. Evens, New Brunswick, NJ, US)

2) Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma

* Diagnosis (Elias Campo, Barcelona, ES)

* Management (Peter Borchmann, Cologne, DE)

3) Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and high grade lymphoma (Grzegorz S. Nowakowski, Rochester, MN, US)

4) Follicular lymphoma (Jessica Okosun, London, UK)

5) Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (Won Seog Kim, Seoul, KR)

6) CLL and Richter (Matthew S. Davids, Boston, MA, US)

7) Marginal zone lymphomas (Sonali M. Smith, Chicago, IL, US)

8) Multiple myeloma (Francesca Gay, Turin, IT)

9) T-cell redirecting therapies (Gloria Iacoboni, Barcelona, ES)

10) Waldenström Macroglobulinemia (Steven P. Treon, Boston, MA, US)

11) Autoimmune complications of lymphoprliferative diseases (Wilma Barcellini, Milan, IT)

12) Non-clonal lymphoproliferative diseases

* Diagnosis (Stefan Dirnhofer, Basel, CH)

* Management of Castleman disease (Angela Dispenzieri, Rochester, MN, US)


The collection of articles written by the speakers of the Educational symposia and Meet the Professor sessions is presented in the Educational Book, published by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd..

Plenary session

During this session, the highest-rated abstracts will be presented by authors and discussed by the world's leading lymphoma experts.

The content of the session will be defined on the basis of the evaluation of the submitted abstracts by the 18-ICML reviewers.

Special sessions


These satellite workshops, organised in collaboration with ILROG, will be dedicated to radiation therapy for lymphomas. They represent an opportunity for interaction and continuous learning not only for radiation oncologists, but also for medical oncologists and haematologists.

Chair: Emanuele Zucca, Bellinzona, CH
This satellite symposium will be organised by the Foundation for the Institute of Oncology Research (IOR) and supported by an unrestricted educational grant still open for sponsorship.
The programme will be comprised of three short and provocative debates on the “hot issues” of the moment between six distinguished speakers (10 minutes each). The participants will declare the winners!


The Workshop aims at focusing on some of the hot topics in the field of canine lymphoma, both in terms of comparative and veterinary medicine. 

This edition will focus on potential new therapeutic approaches in canine lymphoma including comparative aspects.

A poster session and some selected free communications will also take place.
The workshop will be open to all 18-ICML attendees.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/eu.can.lymph.net/


“Take home messages” session

This lecture will be held at the closure of the Scientific Programme and summarises and highlights the topics addressed during the conference.

The participants will receive a series of points and considerations that will facilitate the identification and understanding of the new knowledge presented and discussed in Lugano.